Championing Data-Driven Environmental Justice Policy


Alexa White's unwavering commitment to environmental justice has been a driving force behind her work at Asé Analytics. As the Environmental Health & Policy Lead, she has played a pivotal role in assessing the Biden Administration's Justice40 Initiative, a groundbreaking effort to direct 40% of federal investments in climate change and clean energy to disadvantaged communities.

The Project

White's assessment of the Justice40 Initiative began during her tenure as part of an inaugural cohort of policy entrepreneurship fellows. Joining forces with fellow staffers, she conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the Administration's progress in implementing this ambitious initiative. White's analysis delved deep into identifying areas where tangible progress was being made, as well as sectors that lagged behind in achieving the Initiative's goals. Her findings shed light on previously overlooked opportunities in clean transit, transportation, urban forestry, and urban greening, highlighting the potential for these sectors to yield significant advancements toward environmental justice.

The Impact

The insights gained from White's assessment proved invaluable in shaping the strategic direction of the Justice40 Initiative. Her findings were presented to key stakeholders, including the Director of Environmental Justice at the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the leadership of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (WHEJAC). These briefings played a critical role in ensuring that previously overlooked sectors received the attention and resources they deserved. White's expertise and data-driven approach helped to realign the Initiative's priorities, fostering a more comprehensive and equitable allocation of resources across various domains.

Furthermore, White's evaluation highlighted the importance of intersectoral collaboration and community engagement in achieving meaningful progress toward environmental justice. Her recommendations emphasized the need to amplify marginalized voices and integrate their perspectives into policy decisions, ensuring that solutions address the realities and needs of underserved communities. By conducting a thorough and impartial assessment of the Justice40 Initiative, White's contributions have been instrumental in driving systemic change and promoting a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities across diverse communities.


Join us in advancing environmental justice through data-driven policy evaluations and inclusive solutions. Partner with Asé Analytics to leverage our expertise in conducting comprehensive assessments, identifying untapped opportunities, and shaping equitable policies that prioritize the needs of marginalized communities. Together, we can foster a more just, resilient, and sustainable future for all.


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