About Us

Asé Analytics is a leading research consulting firm that delivers high-quality, impactful solutions to promote healthier communities worldwide. Our experts specialize in integrating academic rigor with practical application, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to advance health systems and policies.

As a network of independent experts, we create customized teams uniquely equipped to meet the diverse challenges of each project. This approach fosters innovation, flexibility, and efficiency, ensuring that our strategies are both cutting-edge and grounded in best practices.

At Asé Analytics, we transform complex research data into actionable insights and compelling stories that drive meaningful change. We prioritize health justice, address social determinants of health, and champion community-led research efforts to deliver enduring results to our clients and their communities.

Our 10 guiding principles.

  • We take a holistic approach to health that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. To ensure that our work is inclusive and respectful of diverse perspectives, we draw upon both Indigenous knowledge systems and non-biomedical frameworks.

  • We look at health through a comprehensive lens, considering the complex interplay between individuals, their communities, and the broader systems and structures that influence their lives.

  • We focus on what organizations and communities do well. We work with these strengths to help improve outcomes.

  • People of all ages have a crucial role in our research, making sure they can help shape the studies that affect their lives and communities.

  • We are committed to respecting and understanding the diverse cultural backgrounds of the people we work with. This makes our work more effective and inclusive.

  • We study how new health practices or technologies catch on and spread. Understanding this helps us make sure more people benefit from innovative health solutions.

  • We understand the power of mixed-methods research. By leveraging the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, we aim to conduct rigorous, impactful research that can inform policies and practices to improve health outcomes for all.

  • We explore how data shapes politics and how politics shapes health. By understanding these influences, we can better advocate for fair access to healthcare and resources for everyone.

  • We think about how health evolves over a person's life. This helps us understand the best times and ways to improve health that have long-lasting effects.

  • We don’t just do research on communities; we do research with them. By working closely with community stakeholders, we make sure our findings are relevant and helpful.

Our Name

Our name embodies our commitment to excellence, collaboration, and action. The term "Asé" (ah-SHAY) originates from the Yoruba people of Nigeria and carries a powerful meaning of spiritual energy and the ability to make positive change.

We embody this spirit in our work, using data and analytics to uncover insights that drive meaningful progress in health justice, social determinants of health, and policy analysis. Just as "Asé" represents the power to manifest change, at Asé Analytics, we harness the transformative power of data to create a healthier and more equitable world for all.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where health equity is the norm, not the exception. We envision a future where every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Through our rigorous research, innovative data analysis, and evidence-based policy recommendations, we strive to dismantle systemic barriers to health and well-being.

We envision a society where social determinants of health are understood, addressed, and ultimately eliminated. By providing communities with knowledge and insights, we aim to drive meaningful change that creates a more just and equitable world for all. Our vision is one of hope, progress, and shared prosperity, where everyone has the resources and support they need to thrive.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved beyond a mere obligation to a powerful mechanism for positive change. In today's dynamic business landscape, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of integrating social and environmental concerns into their core operations. By embracing CSR, organizations can not only enhance their reputation and build trust with stakeholders but also drive sustainable growth and innovation.

At Asé Analytics, we understand the importance of CSR in fostering a more equitable society. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses navigate the complex terrain of social responsibility through data-driven insights and strategic guidance. From developing impactful CSR initiatives to measuring outcomes and assessing social impact, we partner with businesses to make a meaningful difference in the communities they serve.

Responsible Data Use

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the responsible use of data and technology is paramount. At Asé Analytics, we understand the transformative power these tools hold in shaping a healthier and more equitable world. By advocating for ethical practices and ensuring data sovereignty, we respect the rights and control communities and individuals have over their data. This approach not only champions data privacy but also paves the way for meaningful insights that drive positive change.

As stewards of information, we recognize the trust placed in us to safeguard sensitive data and ensure its judicious application. By emphasizing compliance with local data laws and regulations, we manage information respectfully and responsibly. Through meticulous analysis and innovative approaches, we harness the potential of data and technology to unlock solutions that promote health equity and social well-being, making a profound impact on the communities we serve.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

At Asé Analytics, we champion a radical commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). We recognize that systemic injustices and entrenched inequalities hinder true progress, and we actively challenge these structures within our organization and the broader community. Our approach to DEIB goes beyond superficial measures; it is about dismantling systemic barriers, challenging oppressive norms, and fostering an environment where marginalized voices are not only included but are influential in shaping policy and driving decision-making.

We advocate for transformational change that addresses the root causes of inequity, ensuring our work actively contributes to building a just, equitable, and inclusive society. This commitment informs all aspects of our operations, pushing us to leverage our diverse perspectives not just to meet the standard but to set new ones for what true inclusivity looks like in practice. By prioritizing DEIB, we stand as a beacon of change, inspiring others to join us in reshaping the narrative towards a more just and equitable world.